Current Themes – An Update

Its mid May and time for an update.

Health and Fitness:  Well I did it. i completed the Moonwalk, 26.2 miles, overnight in 10 hours. Had I thought about doing this a few years ago I would have just laughed and said ‘No Chance’. Here I am today saying I have done it, what is the next challenge!

It wasn’t easy. At 5 miles I was saying to myself that I was a fool. My feet and ankle hurt even before I stasrted. At Mile 8 I told my friends to go on without me as I was so slow. I then just plodded on. chatting to people, listening to music, just saying ‘I can do another five minutes’, ‘ A mile is only 20 minutes, I can do that’. So I am happy.

I will be doing it again next year, a load of people from work want to do it with me. In the meantime the next challenge will be the Couch to 5K again which I will start in a few weeks when I have recovered.

Making Money: Still spending but have managed to earn a bit extra. Nothing amazing though.

Prepping: Nothing new here.

Decluttering and Minimising: Now the walk is over I have started to clean and clear again. Son No 3 decided he wanted to replace his drawers with a wardrobe. This meant we had to clear out his room, redecorate and at the same time he sorted through all his clothes. Books have gone by the bag load and other clutter. I am about to give a bag of stuff to my MiL for a tabletop sale at her church.

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Working still on getting everything in glass or loose rather than plastic. Reuse of the week is lollipop sticks for the allotment as the weather has warmed up.

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